“After a long season of long-standing colds and bugs of all kinds, I wanted to reach out with some insight about what is coming my way and wat you can glean from the the outstanding results I am seeing in-house. In this new COVID landscape, it is more clear than ever the importance of a robust thyroid when it comes to recovering from an acute illness or even rebounding from a immune assault like surgery. The pandemic elucidated this relationship, a bidirectional one wherein there is an increased likelihood of contracting thyroid sequalae from COVID-19 as well as a clear link between pre-existing thyroid disorders and COVID severity.
Simply stated, the thyroid and immune system are interactive, so when one is affected, so is the other. ANY immune challenge compromises the thyroid, not to the point of disease necessarily, but symptoms that can annoy and linger.
When the thyroid is most vulnerable, as in puberty, pregnancy and menopause, contracting a household “bug” must be dealt with thoughtfully. Inflammation from an active immune system can inflame an already-burdened thyroid, yielding a sluggish recovery, fatigue that persists beyond the infection, and a gamut of hormone symptoms (anxiety, hot flashes, insomnia, etc.).
So, the next time you get sick, consider the following 3-part strategy for a speedy and healthy recovery:
1- Send in the troops: enable a strong immune response with tools like acupuncture, Vitamin D, zinc, and garlic.
2- Clear out the debris: remove inflammation quickly with lots of fiber, anti-oxidant and detoxifying supplements and/or food.
3- Rebuild: support hormone and thyroid health with iodine-rich foods, calcium-rich foods, and acupuncture.”