Functional Medicine

Changing the nature of your healthcare to more investigative, thorough and thoughtful. Our functional medicine practitioners use advanced lab tests that explore more deeply and provide more comprehensive solutions than standard healthcare. Utilizing  IV nutrition, quality supplements, guided nutrition and emotional support, our functional medical care will help you conquer any health obstacle.

Our Approach to Healing

We are dedicated to providing complementary care with meaningful results using an integrative approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine. We know the wisdom contained in this medicine can heal us all if we make health our priority. 

We make your health a priority

Get Balanced

Acupuncture activates the energetic centers in your body which helps to bring your body back into health and harmony

Pain Relief

Our massage therapists are trained in a variety of techniques to address the root causes of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort.

Reproductive Health

We offer a specialized Yinfinite fertility massage, as well as pre and postnatal massage, and are able to treat you at all stages of your fertility journey.


Our team of bodyworkers can get you moving, help with balance issues, bring you back in alignment, or just relax.

Tailored Treatments

Each person is provided a unique treatment plan and pathway to health. Sometimes custom herb formulas are crafted to get you healthy faster.


A relaxing massage relieves stress and anxiety, improves sleep and supports a healthy immune system.

The Science of Acupuncture

Acupuncture originated in China around 3,500 years ago and remains one of the oldest, most commonly used systems of healing in the world. These days, science can explain its effectiveness. Connective tissue winds around the needles, increasing electrical conductivity. Doppler ultrasound shows that acupuncture increases blood flow and circulation. MRI readings demonstrate that acupuncture prompts observable changes in the brain. Thermal imaging reveals that acupuncture reduces inflammation.


Women's Health

From puberty to menopause, women’s bodies go through many transitions. We tailor our treatments to the needs of women through all of life’s stages and transitions to create a unique response to each phase of life.


Our treatment includes regular acupuncture & herbal medicine, combined with lifestyle & dietary advice. We can optimize your ability to conceive naturally or work with your doctor to support the fertility treatment plan they prescribe.

Internal Medicine

Our focus is on treating your body’s unique pattern of disharmony and its effects on your whole body. Our experienced practitioners focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease and treating it appropriately.

Our goal is to help you focus on your healing

At Yinfinite Wellness we believe that our most valuable resource is our talented and experienced team of healthcare practitioners and the comfortable and relaxing office space.

Open Every Day

Open 7 days a week with Acupuncturists and body workers so you can always find the care you need when you need it.

Welcoming Staff

Our warm and knowledgeable reception staff are able to help you book and adjust appointments.

Continuity of Care

Our electronic medical records allow you to see any of our practitioners and seamlessly pick up where you left off.

Relaxing Office

A soothing, modern environment designed to help you feel calm and relaxed.


We have online booking and a patient portal to allow you to book and communicate with us on the go.

Yinfinite Store

Our products are offered both online and in our clinic. Come see our herbal apothecary and learn about herbs.

Free Consultation

No out of pocket expenses when using your insurance!