When community is more important than ever, we want to let you know how we want to help take care:
Have you had Covid-19 two or more weeks ago? Breathe more deeply…ON US. For no out-of-pocket cost, Yinfinite Wellness is offering TWO treatments to those who still suffer from the “Covid Hangover” our successful techniques in clearing inflammation, boosting immunity and improving resilience.
You’re not the only ones hanging out in the backyard. Auricular (ear) acupuncture is a proven intervention for stress and anxiety which is why Yinfinite Wellness is offering:
FREE Auricular Acupuncture EVERY THURSDAY from 6:00PM-6:30PM in August and September, socially distant, on our front yard deck. SIGN UP TODAY!

DOOMSCROLLING (v.) endlessly consuming doom and gloom news. It’s affecting our sleep, our moods, our bodies. Now what? Our resident expert on PTSD, with a background in both Western and Eastern medicines, Erna Wenus, L.Ac., will be sharing her knowledge of the human brain and how it deals with survival situations like the one we are in now. With a combined 40+ years of experience in healing the effects of stress and unmindful living, Erna and Yinfinite Wellness owner Brielle Kelly, will join forces to offer our community invaluable lessons and coping strategies.
Join Erna Wenus, L.Ac. and Brielle Kelly, D.Ac., Dipl.O.M.
for a FREE Town Hall August 10, 2020